Tailored Programs
Mental Safety is the general mental health and wellbeing of your workforce and how this can have an impact in the workplace context. There are various statistics that show the increasing prevalence of mental health issues. Including, one in five workers have taken time off in the past 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, depressed or mentally unhealthy. This can have a significant impact on the individual, their families and also the workplace in general. Research shows that businesses can expect to see a strong return on investment on mental health initiatives, making investing in mental health a win-win situation for employers and employees.
NewPsych have partnered with many of our EAP client businesses to develop tailored programs and innovative ideas to increase mental health awareness and improve the psychological health and wellbeing of employees and the organisation.
#SmashTheStigma is a NewPsych led program aimed at reducing the stigma around mental health. We deliver a 30-minute session created to break down the barriers that many people in mining, trade and other industries associate with asking for help. It can be delivered to a large group and is a great way to familiarise employees with mental health, understanding the cost of not asking for support, solutions and why talking to a psychologist is different to talking to a friend.
NewPsych partnered with Whitehaven Coal in August 2021 to deliver the SmashTheStigma program to every crew at every mine site across the organisation.

Everyone Has A Story
NewPsych collaborated with Bloomfield Group to support their Everyone Has A Story project, which aims to highlight the prevalence of mental health struggles across the community, and normalise seeking help.
Clinical Director, Tarnya Davis supported the wellbeing of everyone involved during the project’s development and provided clinical guidance and expertise. You can view the video below.

My Mindset
The My Mindset program commenced with the adoption of the well-known model of a periodic medical. A My Mindset bus visits the workplace and a clinician from our EAP team offers a 20-minute one-on-one dedicated mental health awareness session with every single employee. The approach has broken down barriers and increased the likelihood of workers accessing mental health support when they need it. What was once a taboo topic was now being discussed as workers began talking about mental health with their workmates.

NSW Mining HSEC Awards -
Winner in Health Excellence
Putting Mental Health on Top of the Agenda – The Bloomfield Group
In 2019, a Critical Hazard Workshop involving input from over 400 Bloomfield employees highlighted that poor mental health and worker distraction present a significant risk of fatality across the business.
Bloomfield deployed a simple yet highly effective mechanism to promote mental health, increase awareness of mental health issues, and build a connection between workers and mental health support professionals.
The MY Mindset program commenced with the adoption of the well-known model of a periodic medical. However, instead of a check predominantly focused on physical health, a MY Mindset bus visited every site and gave every single employee a 20-minute one-on-one dedicated mental health awareness session with a member of the business’ Employee Assistance Program (EAP) team. The resulting uptake was high, with 96% of the workforce participating.
The approach broke down barriers and increased the likelihood of workers accessing mental health support when they needed it, resulting in a 54% increase in the level of uptake of the EAP service. What was once a taboo topic was now being spoken about as workers began talking about mental health with their workmates.
You can view the video below.

Mental Safety App

The mental health of workers can be seriously impacted by a workplace incident. This is particularly the case for key workers such as first responders, WHS professionals, human resource professionals and business leaders/owners. This application is designed to help you and your business protect both your own and your workers’ Mental Safety before, during and after a significant workplace incident.
We Know Your People
NewPsych Psychologists seek to genuinely understand your employees roles to help build trust in our work with people’s mental health. Here’s Vince Champion, psychologist, experiencing a day in the life of an underground miner.